Secretary's Announcements

BFA AGM 2019 Announcement

The Annual General Meeting of the British Flyball Association will be held on Saturday, 6th April 2019 at:

Lode Heath School, Lode Lane, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 2HW
to commence at 10:00 AM

Note: The meeting will be limited to business on the published agenda.

Membership Secretary Vacancy

It is with great sadness we have to report that our fantastic and long serving membership secretary, Pat Wadby, will be retiring and hanging up her keyboard.

BFA Tournaments

The BFA is one of the busiest dog sport associations in Europe, and with around 100 flyball shows each year, indoor and outdoor, block and staggered, you’d think our members were spoiled for choice. But we recognise that’s not true for everyone, so to improve accessibility for our great sport the BFA is going out and about!

Regional Representative Appointments

The Committee are pleased to announce the appointment of Lucy Machell-Webb from TNT Flyball Team as Regional Representative for Southern Home Counties - Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Hampshire and Surrey.

New online ring party training tool available

Online ring party training can now be found at the following link

Judges Board New Members

The Judges Board and. Committee would like to congratulate and welcome Jenny Cousins and Tony James on to the board. Now that we are at full capacity we are excited to implement the new ideas and suggestions that we have received over the last few months. We would like to thank all applicants that have applied for this post. The Judges Board can be contacted by email at On behalf of The Judges Board.

Membership Renewals 2019

Please note the following changes regarding membership fees and renewals.

BFA Merchandise now available


We are excited to announce that from today, you can now purchase BFA kit direct from the Silverback website.
There are various items available for purchase such as, T-Shirts, Polo Shirts, Hoodies, Caps and even some amazing Dog Walking Bags, all in various colours!

Misconduct Charge - DSC outcome

Following an incident involving two BFA members at Newark Showground on 1/6/18, an Investigating Officer was appointed due to the serious nature of the incident.  Following an investigation a DSC was formed and the recommendation from the DSC was for both of these BFA members to have their BFA membership suspended for a period of 12 months.  Neither member lodged an appeal.  The suspension is dated from 1/6/18.

Marketing Team Vacanices

The BFA committee is always investigating ways to improve internal and external communications and how to promote the BFA flyball in a positive and innovative way. To help with this we are establishing a dedicated Marketing Team and invite existing members to apply. Please see the attachment for a job description and how to apply.

If you have questions before applying, please email the BFA committee secretary. Closing date for applications is 31st October 2018 and we aim to respond to all applicants by 30th November.