Secretary's Announcements

Committee Nomination Results

Following the closure of the BFA Committee Nomination process, the BFA Committee are pleased to announce your new committee for 2021/22.

BFA Committee Nominations Voting Process

BFA Flyball Roadmap

BFA Flyball Roadmap

BFA VIPER Update 22 February 2021

AGM Nominations and Proposals reminder

The forms for both committee nominations and rule proposals are open until 8pm on Thursday 25th February 2021. Any nominations and/or proposals must be received by 8pm. If you have any queries then please contact

BFA Dog Points & Awards

The long enforced lay-off from flyball due to covid might present us with an opportunity to refresh the BFA Dog Points and Awards system. The enforced lay-off removes the rationale of continuity, familiarity and comparison for keeping what we have always had. With dogs having no racing for a whole year, historical comparisons and our traditional benchmarks for the progression of a flyball dog throughout it's racing career are now less meaningful.

BFA VIPER Update - April Tournaments

The BFA committee has been closely following updates regarding national guidance relating to COVID-19. Due to the current UK-wide restrictions the decision has now been made that there will be no BFA sanctioned tournaments held during April 2021. With detailed plans of a route out of lockdown due from government next week, we will continue to monitor the situation and a decision regarding future tournaments will be made in due course and we shall keep you informed as soon as a decision is made. Stay home, stay safe.

BFA Annual General Meeting 2021 - Official Announcement

The Annual General Meeting of the British Flyball Association will be held on Saturday, 27th March 2021, by Zoom webinar, to commence at 10:00 AM


Note: The meeting will be limited to business on the published agenda.




The Committee is pleased to announce that it will be taking nominations for the Committee and proposals for agenda items as detailed below.

BFA AGM 2021 Save The Date

The BFA Committee would like to remind you that the BFA AGM this year will, again, be held virtually. The AGM is arranged for Saturday 27th March 2021. Please remember that you must be a BFA member at the time of the official announcement in order to vote on any rule proposals. The official announcement will be made on Wednesday 3rd February 2021 and include further details about committee nominations and items for the agenda.

BFA VIPER Update - March Tournaments 2021

The BFA committee has been closely following updates regarding national guidance relating to COVID-19. Due to the current UK-wide restrictions, with no confirmed date for restrictions to be lifted, the decision has now been made that there will be no BFA sanctioned tournaments held during March 2021. We are all missing flyball terribly but we feel this is the right decision to make at the present time.