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Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Shooting Stars | 17:22 |
2 | Maple Leafs | 17:84 |
3 | High Flyers | 17:85 |
4 | Hampshire Harriers | 17:89 |
5 | Barkshire Bullets | 17:85 |
6 | Maple Leaf Raggers | 19:23 |
Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Bassett Hotdogs | 18:70 |
1 | Aces Dominos | 19:77 |
1 | FourPaws Racing | 20:65 |
1 | Ball Busters | 20:02 |
1 | Bristol Ball-istics | 19:22 |
1 | Barkshire Bandidos | 20:20 |
Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Maple Leaf Stampede | 19:78 |
2 | Hotshots | 19:87 |
3 | Maple Leaf Rockies | 20:14 |
4 | Split Second | 20:22 |
5 | The Swifts | 20:31 |
6 | Underdogs | 20:09 |
Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | High Voltage | 19:85 |
1 | Bassett Allsorts | 20:44 |
1 | Ramsden Rockers | 20:79 |
1 | Leaping Herts | 20:50 |
Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Barkshire Bambinos | 20:20 |
2 | Shooting Star Jokers | 19:94 |
3 | The Knights | 20:89 |
4 | Ball Buster Bandits | 20:55 |
5 | Bristol Ball-istic Rockets | 21:27 |
6 | Bassett Variety Pack | 20:92 |
Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Terrierists | 21:52 |
1 | Hampshire Hogs | 21:83 |
1 | Underdogs Untamed | 23:64 |
1 | Four In The Fast Lane | 23:08 |
Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Hampshire Hounds | 22:86 |
2 | Buccaroos | 22:45 |
3 | Ramsden Rollers | 22:72 |
4 | Midshires Mud Pack | 22:96 |
5 | Malmesbury Monks | 23:19 |
6 | Ball Buster Bouncers | 24:49 |
Place | Team | Fastest Time |
1 | Bristol Ball-istic Missiles | 23:37 |
1 | FourPaws Running | 24:16 |
1 | Malmesbury Abbotts | 36:61 |
1 | Hotshots Hit 'n' Run | 24:71 |