Secretary's Announcements



Zoom 21.03.23

Face to face minutes

Constitution and Rules of Racing June 2023

Please find the updated Constitution and rules of Racing which come into effect on 1st June 2023.

It is clear there is a great deal of concern about the rule change which has been voted through at the recent AGM regarding the covering of boxes.


Judges Board

The BFA Judges Board are welcoming applicants to join the team.

AGM Agenda Announcement 2023

Minutes 5/2/23

Committee Nominations 2023

Committee nominations are now open. Any member wishing to stand for committee are asked to ensure they meet the criteria set out in rule 5.1.   

If an election is necessary, then all nominated members will be balloted.  

AGM 2023 Agenda/Rule Proposals

The closing date for agenda items is Thursday, 2nd March 2023. Any agenda items raised after this point will not be accepted as per rule 8.3.

The agenda will be published as soon as is possible after this date and not less than 10 days prior to the AGM, as per rule 8.4. For clarity, this means the Agenda will be published no later than Wednesday, 22nd March 2023.

Please find below the BFA Agenda and Rule Proposals Form.