Carlton Towers, Selby : Results

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Division: 1
Judge: Hazell Fare
Place Team Fastest Time
1 High Variety 16:95
2 Doncaster Team Pow Wow 18:10
3 Bytes Hotchpotch 20:49
4 Monster Mash 19:13
5 Gofours Mix Paws 19:91
6 Sheffield Supermix 20:22
Division: 2
Judge: Alison Harrison
Place Team Fastest Time
1 Fylde Pick 'n' Mix 20:36
2 Crazy Comrades 20:73
3 Monsters Inc 20:73
4 Free Wheelers on Fire 21:44
5 Rapidz Sortz 22:14
6 Mansfield Remix 19:53
Division: 3
Judge: Sharon Allcorn
Place Team Fastest Time
1 Paws 8 Go Multi 20:89
2 Ready Mixed 21:60
3 Whiterose Aristocrats 22:09
4 Crazy Cavaliers 20:73
5 Danum Multimix 20:68
6 Mansfield Freestylers 19:96
Division: 4
Judge: Nick Pearce
Place Team Fastest Time
1 Paws 8 Go Wild 22:01
2 The Mutts Nuts 22:11
3 Geordie Mixups 20:93
4 Whiterose True Blues 25:85
5 Yorkshire Mixture 26:44
6 Crazy Commandants 21:52
Division: 5
Judge: Debbie Stephenson
Place Team Fastest Time
1 Sheffield Sortz 22:78
2 Bytes Mishmash 23:00
3 Gofours the Multifours 22:68
4 Lomond Techni-color Dreamcoats 24:74
5 Fylde Mixups 23:99
6 Yorkshire Allsorts 20:83
Division: 6
Judge: Kristian Allcorn
Place Team Fastest Time
1 Sheffield Shapes N Sizes 23:55
2 Free Wheelers Unleashed 23:92
3 Bytes Fusion 26:77
4 Yorkshire Hotch Potch 24:44
5 Random Rapidz 26:56
6 South Riding Comets 99:99