Secretary's Announcements

Constitution Legal Report

Members will be aware that during our recent AGM in April, we voted to adopt a new Constitution - one which was designed to help our association grow and move forward with a renewed purpose and common understanding.

Having been accepted by Members, the Committee commissioned a detailed legal review of the new constitution, to ensure that it was fit for purpose and properly described the individual and collective benefits and responsibilities arising from membership of our association and to enable the Constitution Working Party to address any concerns or recommendations moving forward.

The Committee is extremely pleased to share with Members the Legal Report received, together with a Statement of Intent, describing how we intend to address its findings.

Firstly, members can feel reassured that no issues requiring "Urgent" action to be taken, were identified during the review. This means that the Association is able to press ahead with implementing and operating in accordance with the new Constitution, as it was accepted by members.

It also means that any improvements or changes highlighted by the report, need to be submitted as Constitutional Rule Change proposals for consideration by Members during the next AGM in April 2025.

The legal review examined 9 key areas and a number of issues were highlighted for consideration by members. As can be seen by reading the legal report, these issues aren't just simple corrections or wording amendments but matters that will require careful consideration to ensure we achieve a satisfactory outcome for the association that takes the views of all members into account.

Therefore, the Committee's intention is to ask the Constitution Working Party to consult with members as widely as possible over the next 4 months, in order to produce a consolidated Rule Change proposal, which addresses and resolves all of the issues highlighted by the legal review.

The Committee's intention is to publish this Rule Change proposal to Members by 1st February 2025, so it may be discussed and amended if necessary, before being presented during the next AGM in April 2025.

The Constitution Working Party really does want to hear from you and  members are therefore encouraged to provide them with any helpful and constructive comments or suggestions they may have. This can be done by sending an email to or by popping along and meeting them at this year’s Champs  in the “Creating Stability, Building Success” 
area and completing their Post-It Challenge!

Watch this space for further details.

Members of the Constitution Working Party this year are:

Dave Anderson, Kerena Marchant, Sarah Wolstenholme, Granville Pipe
Committee Liaison Hilary Larkham