When we issued minutes previously indicating that items have been fully or partially restricted, it was clear that this caused some concern for a small number of members. We have therefore decided not to indicate on these minutes, the restricted items. We would like to reassure you however that in the interests of full record keeping, an unrestricted set of minutes are held by the BFA committee for future review/reference if necessary.
Minutes of BFA Committee meeting held by Zoom on Sunday 5th February @ 19:30
Attendees:Craig Burrows (CB)
Ellen Barraclough (EB)
Martyn McInulty (MM)
Jeannette Shelley (JS)
Chris Gosling (CG)
Roxy Bird (RB)
Sharon Allcorn (SA)
Apologies:Karen Bell (KSB)
Quorum, Minutes of previous meeting & action points Quorum of members reviewed. Action log reviewed actions closed where appropriate. A few items on the action log are still outstanding but are in progress. |
Financial Update MM provided a financial update. He confirmed that the balance for Malvern has been paid. |
Champs Working Party Young Guns have been in touch to provide quotes for the Champs clothing. CB agreed that a quote could be provided. Concerns were raised by EB regarding the lack of service provided from Young Guns previously and MM raised concerns regarding the accuracy of the sizing. Magda Whiteley will be sourcing two more quotes for BFA clothing merchandise and will feed back to the committee. MM suggested that a zoom meeting with the Champs Working Party may be a good idea. A discussion was had regarding permitting the Champs working party to approach sponsors for the event. A vote was taken and it was agreed that with the workload of the current committee and the timeframes involved, it would be hugely beneficial to allow the Champs working party to work autonomously on securing sponsorship. This will be communicated to the working party to enable them to forge ahead with their communications. |
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Webmaster MM advised that the webmaster will be updating the website with the BFA trainers email address. The webmaster has indicated that due to the large volume of work being undertaken, it would be useful to have a second webmaster to share the workload. EB advised those present that a second member had offered their services, and she agreed to contact that with the job description. MM agreed to obtain the Webmaster’s job description in order that it could be forwarded to the interested person. It was advised that Drupal is coming to the end of it’s life, and the webmaster would like to change host. A broader discussion then ensued regarding the committee’s priorities for the new IT host. SA indicated the biggest consideration had to be security and would like to see 24 hour security cover to prevent hacking. CB indicated that one of our other aims is to go as paperless as is feasibly possible. MM also indicated that he would like the site to autofill when membership numbers are added to prevent errors. The Webmaster had said that the biggest cost will be the ‘build’ of the system. He has asked some questions via MM which were put to the committee. Those questions are as follows :
• Who holds the domain name ?
• What specific information is needed to be captured on the renewal form ?
• How many different email addresses needed to be built into the system so members can access officials directly from the website ?
The committee have been advised that it’s feasible to build the membership registration process directly into the website (including PayPal). This will also be possible with dog additions etc.
The webmaster has asked whether he can access the live database as at the present time, he only had access to the ‘back up’ version.
All questions and considerations detailed above require further discussion in order to move forward with the webmaster.
Safeguarding EB asked CG to obtain SC’s photo and bio for the website. It was agreed by all those present that CG would be the Association’s Safeguarding Lead with SC deputising and working collaboratively alongside CG CG advised the new Safeguarding Policy was underway. |
Face to Face Meeting MM advised that there will be no unnecessary spending of the Association’s money and any expenses incurred will be frugal. He confirmed that a maximum of £30 was permitted for food and drink, for the entire weekend. |
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BFA Trainers JS explained the main objectives of the ‘BFA Trainers Team’ and the rationale behind the names that were suggested of members to join the training team. She went on to explain that by having more trainers spread geographically, more assistance could be offered to the membership. MM raised a concern that the senior BFA trainers are all currently based within 3 teams. MM also suggested an additional person who he felt would be a good addition to the team. |
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Judges Board SA advised that a question had been received from the Judges Board enquiring whether expenses could be claimed for fuel when they run/attend the Judges seminar. MM suggested a hybrid way of working so that those that couldn’t attend in person could still ‘zoom’ in and participate that way. SA thought that it was better to attend in person as having people in a room together tends to generate more discussion and prompts more questions. It’s altogether a more positive experience. MM confirmed that fuel would be covered as an expense however he felt that for inclusivity, an option of zoom would still be beneficial. |
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Complaints & Correspondence A number of outstanding emails/correspondence from the membership were discussed and actions agreed. An IO needed to be appointed for a complaint. Discussions regarding a suitable member to take the complaint forward were discussed and agreement reached of a person to be approached. EB will contact the individual this week. |
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AOB No other items were discussed |
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Date, Time & Venue of next meeting Date set for face-to-face meeting of 18th & 19th February. Agenda items to be collated and agenda to be circulated beforehand. |