I feel as the Secretary of your Association it is important that I keep you all updated with as much information as possible regarding the current situation. I am more than aware there is much concern and unrest within our community.
Many of you will already be aware an EGM has been called, this calling was received on 30/9/22
The topic of the EGM calling is as follows:
'A number of rule breaches have occurred by the committee with regards of the handling of complaints as well as the application of other committee processes which has now lead to the committee being unable to function within it's normal boundaries.'
Some members may have been given the impression that the Chairs recent post and blog was made on behalf of the whole Committee, this is not the case. The post was not agreed by all of the committee and neither were all committee members consulted.
The committee is aligned in the following way with regards to the call for an EGM , 4 members are prepared to have the EGM happen quickly (due to this being ongoing since April 2022), as per our rules and 5 members are still discussing if it should take place at all.
The EGM has been called in the manner outlined in the BFA rules, by BFA members with more than the required 200 signatures. The committee's function should now be to organise the EGM as soon as is practically possible. At the meeting the members calling the EGM will present their evidence so the membership have an opportunity to hear it and agree on a way forward.
With regards to the working of the current committee, whilst all members have said they are willing to continue working together this is proving difficult.
After the calling of the EGM, there has been discussions regarding an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR outside company employed to mediate), however, it was promptly identified that this option would not be possible as it is not currently supported in our rules.
An informal chat was agreed and attended on Saturday 24th September in an effort to resolve the concerns raised. It was hoped that this would be successful and an EGM would not be required, unfortunately due to restrictions imposed by the committee, attendees were not permitted to discuss Ardingly
The BFA process for resolutions in matters such as this, when all other options have been exhausted is via an EGM, where we trust our membership to determine a fair and appropriate outcome.
As stated in the blog, it has been identified that 5 committee members are working closely together which would not include or reflect the views of a committee of 9. Whilst all committee members are willing to fulfil their roles, it has been proven we are not currently working as a team, therefore in my opinion to consider an AGM with the current situation as it stands, would be detrimental to the BFA and its members.
Please note this is a Secretary message to the membership, not a committee agreed announcement.
Keep smiling!