Secretary's Announcements

November Rule Changes

The Committee would like to announce the following changes to the BFA rules effective from 6th November 2017:

Ammend 4.1 k)

Running orders and tournament information must be posted on the discussion board on the BFA website so they are available to all team members. An emailed version can be sent if requested by the team captain. Seed times used must be shown with faster and slower declared times clearly marked.


Running orders and tournament information must be posted on the BFA website so they are available to all team members. An emailed version can be sent if requested by the team captain. Seed times used must be shown with faster and slower declared times clearly marked.

Amend 4.1 K

Times must be recorded on single side timing sheets showing times for both lanes (available from the Website through Admin, Online Forms, Racing Form Templates, Single Side Timers) separate from the Time Sheets used to identify dogs running heat by heat.

Replace with

Times must be recorded on single side timing sheets showing times for both lanes (available from the Website through downloads, Master Sheets, 5 6 or 7 team master sheet) separate from the Time Sheets used to identify dogs running heat by heat.

(These are clarifications and brings it in line with the new website)

5.2 b) Dogs may not be entered for racing in more than one team at an open/multi-breed BFA Sanctioned Tournament Dogs may not take part in starters, intermediate or fun events on the same day as they are entered in open/multi-breed. See also 5.7a) c) and d)

ADD: Please note teams registered as Open teams may only compete in Open competitions. Teams registered as Multi-breed teams may only compete in Multi-breed competitions. Use of any team for a class of racing other than for that which it is registered will result in the loss of all points, times and placings for the competitions where it has been used out of class.

(Again this is a clarification of the rule)

Tony James

BFA Secretary