Minutes of BFA Committee meeting held by Zoom on Sunday 11th December @ 19:30
Attendees:Craig Burrows (CB)
Ellen Barraclough (EB)
Martyn McInulty (MM)
Sharon Allcorn (SA)
Jeannette Shelley (JS)
Karen Bell (KSB)
Kerena Marchant (KM)
Apologies:All committee members were in attendance and therefore no apologies were given
Quorum, Minutes of previous meeting & action points Quorum of members reviewed, no minutes of the previous meeting or action points reviewed |
Financial Update No financial update was able to be given as the process of handing over documents from the previous Treasurer have not yet been completed.
A discussion was had regarding existing software packages, passwords that were required and accessibility by the committee to review the finances at will.
Trello was also discussed. Passwords need to be obtained.
MM suggested using Xero rather than Quickbooks for the management of the association’s finances. Costs were discussed and the change from one software to another was voted on. All in attendance agreed for MM to pursue the change.
Co-opting members The list of members willing to be co-opted onto the committee that was compiled at the EGM was reviewed. After discounting some members due to not fulfilling the criteria of section 5 of the BFA constitution, the remaining names were fully discussed. Agreement amongst all committee members was that the association would benefit from having committee members located across the country where possible and racing on all surfaces and all formats. It was agreed that we would specifically like a representative from Scotland. If this wasn’t feasible, it was discussed that a member that lives further north of the country and competes regularly in Scotland would be equally beneficial. All committee members in attendance agreed. A Midlands representative was also discussed.
Having reviewed the list in its entirety 2 BFA members were considered. A vote was taken : Member 1 - all 7 in attendance agreed for this member to be approached. SA will speak to the individual Member 2 - all 7 in attendance agreed for this member to be approached. CB will speak to the individual
Officer Positions The vacant officer positions (as described in Appendix 1 of the BFA constitution), were discussed. EB & CB advised that several members had contacted the committee indicating that they would be willing to assist. All members were discussed, voted on and agreed as follows. All voting for each member was unanimous by those present :
Veterinary Team (App 1 (14) - Louise McInulty Height Card Administrator (App 1 (13) - Donna Boddison Records & Stats officer (App 1 (5) - Maxine Hurlstone Show secretary (App 1 (9) - Chris Thompstone Webmaster (App 1 (6) - MM to approach a member who may be interested in this position
EB will send a welcome email to all those selected.
Committee Liaisons CB advised that agreement needed to be reached for committee liaison positions for all official posts. CB came to the meeting with a list which was discussed and added to as follows :
All positions were fully discussed, voted on and agreed unanimously.
It was agreed that the BFA page needs to be updated to reflect all existing and new officials and their contact details.
AGM Due to the brief time available for this meeting and the volume of matters to be discussed, it was agreed that the AGM needed to be discussed in full at a separate meeting. Consideration to be given for the electronic platforms available for the AGM to be discussed at the next meeting
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Ulna All in attendance agreed that as the membership had already voted to bring in ulna measuring, and that it should be expedited. The data needs to be collated and SA will discuss the roll out with the Judges Board as a matter of urgency. Consideration was given to the more remote locations across the UK, to ensure that opportunities are given to obtain measures within a specified timeframe. Isle of Man, Scotland and the West Country were discussed. |
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Malvern It was agreed to discuss this tournament at another meeting when full financial records are available to the committee.
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BFA Website Accessibility to the website was discussed and it was agreed that all committee members need access in addition to a representative from the Judges Board. The Judges Board will then be able to update the list for Head Judges and Divisional Judges. SA will liaise with the Judges Board in this regard, and request website access for individuals where necessary.
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AOB Agenda items agreed for next meeting were as follows : GDPR Safeguarding Indoor Champs Uni Study
Next meeting agreed - 18th December 2022 @ 19.30. To be conducted by Zoom
Agreement was reached that all committee business will pause from 22ndDecember to 3rd January.
Restricted items These are items that due to confidentiality full details cannot be minuted and shared with the membership. A brief resume of those are as follows :
1) The post EGM investigation was discussed. 2 Investigating Officers are to be appointed by the newly co-opted committee members. The 4 committee members that remained on the committee post EGM will not be involved in this decision
2) Email to be sent to existing complainants (of which there are 2) by EB apologising for the delay in resolving/reviewing their complaint, and assurance to be given that these will now be progressed.