The following is an announcement by the BFA Committee regarding recently concluded disciplinary proceedings.
Please note - there is still another case in progress and as stated previously we are unable to discuss or comment on this until it is fully concluded.
We are now in a position to update the membership regarding the outcome of a DSC, appointed following the investigation of two official complaints.
The DSC was composed of 3 vastly experienced independent BFA members.
Having examined the documents of evidence and correspondence, and deliberated extensively, the DSC produced a final report, the conclusion of which is as follows:
‘The DSC discussed every charge and if there was evidence to support the charges.
They found the defendant guilty of Misconduct, having deemed there to be insufficient evidence of Gross Misconduct.
The DSC unanimously agreed that the recommendation by the IO and request by the Committee to have the dog re-measured was more than reasonable.
The defendant’s conduct throughout the investigation has been obstructive and their refusal to work with the BFA Committee has been deemed unreasonable and extreme given the nature of the request and the Official status held by the defendant.
The DSC find that all previous measures are now deemed unreliable and with the refusal to have the dog re-measured, the dog’s status should now be recorded as unmeasured within the measuring system.’
The Committee have therefore agreed to implement the following recommendations with immediate effect:
- Suspension of the dog in question from racing is to be lifted and it’s stats to be shown as unmeasured. Therefore the dog will have to re-start the measuring process as per BFA rules regarding measuring.
- The defendant is to have a 3 month ban from racing and/or attending BFA related events.
- The immediate removal of the defendant's Head Judge and Qualified Judge status. After a period of 18 months of good conduct, the defendant can apply to be a judge but would need to complete the training process to become a judge as per the BFA rules, starting as a provisional Judge.
- The defendant must complete a period of three years good conduct as a fully paid up BFA member before being eligible to apply to become a BFA Official or stand for the BFA Committee.

Disciplinary process conclusion
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 13/02/2018 - 21:30
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